NoBoMa Project Press Release
The project “No Borders Manual in elderly care to promote mobility, international lifelong learning and the transfer of competences in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe (NoBoMa)” has entered the final phase of its implementation. The project is financed by the Leonardo da Vinci program of the EU. It is implemented by 7 partner institutions from the fields of scientific research and education. They are from the following countries:
Austria – the leading partner WISDOM - Wiener Institut f?r sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Methodik; www. wisdom.at.
Main partners:
- Austria - 3s research laboratory – Forschungsverein and VINZENTINUM - Schule fuer allgemeine Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege am Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Schwestern Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H.; www.vinzentinum-linz.at
- Bulgaria – Club “Economika 2000”; www.club2000.org.
- Hungary - Pecs Egyhazmegyei Katolikus Caritas Alapitvany (Caritas Pecs); www.pecsi-caritas.hu.
- Romania - OBSERVATORY for LLL Development – ODIP; www.odip.ro.
- Slovenia – University of Ljubljana; www.uni-lj.si.
The three main goals of the project are as follows: (1) Enhancing the transparency and recognition of the skills and competences in the occupational field “elderly care”. (2) Improving the quality and supporting the mobility of elderly caregivers in Europe. (3) Supporting the implementation of innovative practices in the field of vocational education and training.
The efforts of the partners are focused on adapting and developing an Internet-based version of the model “Vocational Qualification Transfer System” – VQTS.
The main project results are as follows:
- Developed a matrix of competences and competence profiles of elderly caregivers.
- Developed a matrix of future competences for success.
- Developed an interactive internet-based self-assessment tool.
- Developed a database for institutions, providing education to professionals in the occupational field “elderly care”.
All results are accessible via the websites of the partner organizations and are presented in the respective languages.
For more information, please contact: Club “Economika 2000”, tel.: 02 9445074, office@club2000.org, Georgi Shopov, Spartak Keremidchiev, Elka Todorova.