Network of Reference Labs Assessing Environmental Quality for Water Uses
The project is funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013; its implementation period is 03/2011 – 06/2013.
The project's main goal is to strengthen the collaboration between the competent authorities and institutions of the two countries as a means to create an integrated methodological framework, shared tools and sustainable structures for harmonizing the procedures related to issuing Permits to public or private Water Users, following standard water quality assessment procedures and services provided by Labs.
The specific sub-objectives of the project are as follows:
- Strengthening the collaboration between stakeholders of the two countries and increasing interaction with Water Users by developing good practices;
- Creating a cross-border network of cooperating Labs exchanging experiences and know-how on water quality analysis and harmonizing the relevant procedures for providing better services to public-private Water Users of the cross-border area;
- Promoting the Use of Quality Water through the creation of a public access Quality Water Users registry, thus increasing the competitiveness of Quality Water Users of the Cross-border area;
- Creating sustainable joint cross-border structures with the capacity to act as a 'One stop-shop' concerning information provision, guiding Water users and supervising the routing of procedures related to Quality Water Users and issuing permits.
The project partners of Club “Economika 2000” are the Balkan Environment Center, Greece, the Region of Central Macedonia and the Decentralized Administration of Macedonia Thrace, Greece.